Important Dates:
1801 |
Joseph Marie Jacquard improved upon a textile loom by introducing a series of punch card paper templates, |
which allowed the loom to weave intricate patterns automatically. | |
1833 |
Charles Babbage constructs the first punch card machine with a memory store called the Analytical Engine . |
This machine used gears and levers and was programmed by punch cards.This difference engine could solve polynomial equations. | |
1932 | Gustav Tauschek builds first drum memory. |
1936 | Zuse focused on three major elements a calculating device should have- |
1946 |
Mauchly and Eckert develop the Eniac I (Electro Numerical Integrator and Calculator). The Eniac weighed 30 tons! It used Vacuum tubes, relays and switches. |
1947 | Fredrick Viehe , An Wang and Kenneth Olsen independently invent the magnetic core memory. |
Jay Forrester develops the magnetic random access coincident-current drum. | |
1951 |
First commercial computer, The Ferranti Mark I . It had a 256 40-bit main memory and magnetic tape storage. |
1952 |
The Edvac computer is created with 1024 44-bit words of ultrasonic memory. The Eniac gets a core memory device. |
1954 |
First mass production of the IBM 650 magnetic tape data storage drum. First commercial ferrite-core memory. |
1961 |
IBM 1401 magnetic core memory series. First transistorized 64-bit memory computer with memory protection and interleaving. |
IBM 7030 Stretch 64-bit data word and 32/64-bit instruction word computer. | |
1962 | Atlas virtual memory |
1965 | British computer scientist Maurice Wilkes develops the idea of a cache computer memory. |
First integrated circuit random access memory application based on Read Only Memory ROM. | |
1968 |
Data General launches the 32-kilobytes memory Nova. Analog and digital memory are integrated on one chip by Dedicated Current Source. |
Robert Dennard invents and patents his Dynamic Random Access Memory DRAM. | |
1969 | Intel creates a 1 Kilobyte RAM chip. (Core Killer) |
1970 |
First generally available Dynamic RAM 256-bit programmable semiconductor memory chip, the Intel 1103i. MOS Dynamic RAM is invented. |