Important Dates:


Joseph Marie Jacquard improved upon a textile loom by introducing a series of punch card paper templates, 
which allowed the loom to weave intricate patterns automatically. 


Charles Babbage constructs the first punch card machine with a memory store called the Analytical Engine .
This machine used gears and levers and was programmed by punch cards.This difference engine could solve polynomial equations. 
1932 Gustav Tauschek builds first drum memory. 
1936 Zuse focused on three major elements a calculating device should have-
1. A control 2. Memory 3. Calculator
The Z1 had an electrical engine and was programmed by punch tape. The Z2 had electrical relays and was known as the first electro mechanical computer. The Z3 had micro sequencers and used film tape instead of punch cards.


Mauchly and Eckert develop the Eniac I (Electro Numerical Integrator and Calculator). The Eniac weighed 30 tons! It used Vacuum tubes, relays and switches. 
1947 Fredrick Viehe , An Wang and Kenneth Olsen independently invent the magnetic core memory.
Jay Forrester develops the magnetic random access coincident-current drum. 


First commercial computer, The Ferranti Mark I . It had a 256 40-bit main memory and magnetic tape storage. 


The Edvac computer is created with 1024 44-bit words of ultrasonic memory. The Eniac gets a core memory device. 


First mass production of the IBM 650 magnetic tape data storage drum. First commercial ferrite-core memory. 


IBM 1401 magnetic core memory series. First transistorized 64-bit memory computer with memory protection and interleaving.
IBM 7030 Stretch 64-bit data word and 32/64-bit instruction word computer. 
1962 Atlas virtual memory 
1965 British computer scientist Maurice Wilkes develops the idea of a cache computer memory. 
First integrated circuit random access memory application based on Read Only Memory ROM. 


Data General launches the 32-kilobytes memory Nova. Analog and digital memory are integrated on one chip by Dedicated Current Source. 
Robert Dennard invents and patents his Dynamic Random Access Memory DRAM.  
1969 Intel creates a 1 Kilobyte RAM chip. (Core Killer) 


First generally available Dynamic RAM 256-bit programmable semiconductor memory chip, the Intel 1103i. MOS Dynamic RAM is invented. 




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